The Kingdom of An Tir has numerous awards, created by Crowns and Coronets since 1973 to honor Their worthy subjects. There is no one definitive list of kingdom awards, though there are several official documents that contain award lists. These include the awards section of An Tir Kingdom Law , the awards index in the An Tir Order of Precedence, and the section in An Tir’s Kingdom Handbook that covers honors and accolades.
While all of these resources are useful in their own right, they’re not particularly suited to learning about the awards system, nor are they an appropriate tool when searching for the right recognition for a letter of recommendation.
This article intends to present the An Tir awards system (as of February 2024) organized by what the award is used to recognize. The information below is a conglomeration of all three of the above sources, and will provide direct quotes as appropriate.
Citation index:
(KL) – Kingdom Law
(OP) – Order of Precedence
(KH) – Kingdom Handbook
(CO) – Corpora
Automatic Awards
The first section contains eighteen awards and honors that are automatically bestowed based on successfully completing a tenure in a particular position, an amount of time in service to the realm, or earning a particular placement or score in competition. They are:
Duchy: One attains the rank of Duke or Duchess (or the equivalent in their preferred language) upon successfully completing two reigns as Sovereign or Consort of a kingdom. They are addressed as “Your Grace.” A Duke or Duchess may wear a coronet ornamented with strawberry leaves.
County: One attains the rank of Earl, Count, or Countess (or the equivalent in their preferred language) upon successfully completing one reign as Sovereign or Consort of a kingdom. They are addressed as “Your Excellency.” An Earl, Count, or Countess may wear a coronet with an embattled top edge.
Viscounty: One attains the rank of Viscount or Viscountess (or the equivalent in their preferred language) upon successfully completing one reign as Sovereign or Consort of a principality. They are addressed as “Your Excellency.” A Viscount or Viscountess may wear a coronet ornamented as they see fit, provided they do not use the strawberry leaves or embattled edges of the ranks above. Pictured is a coronet of twelve or more pearls, which is a common design for Viscomital coronets.
Order of the Rose: “Membership to this order is offered by the Crown to those who have completed serving a term as the member of the Crown who acted as inspiration in the Crown Tournament.”(KL 4.C.8.b.3) The badge and regalia of this Order is a wreath of roses.
- Order of the Valorous Estate: “Membership to this order is offered by the reigning Principality Coronet to those who have completed serving a term as a member of the Principality Coronet who acted as inspiration in the Coronet Tournament.” (KL 4.c.8.b.4)
Order of the Silver Rose: “Given by the Crown to the person who finishes second in the Crown Lists.” (KL 4.c.8.b.5)
Order of the Silver Lily: “Given by the Crown to the inspiration of the combatant who finishes second in the Crown Lists.” (KL 4.c.8.b.6)
The Award of the Lion’s Pride is “given by the Crown to the prince royal, princess royal, shazade royal or eibling royal at the conclusion of their parent’s reign.” (KL 4.C.8.b.40)
- Honor of the Lion’s Sword is “given by the Crown upon an individual’s completion of a term as Champion of An Tir, either by holding the position until the next Champion’s Tournament or by ascending the throne during their tenure as champion.” (KL 4.C.8.b.7)
- Honor of the Lion’s Rapier is “given by the Crown upon an individual’s completion of a term as Champion of Rapier Combat.” (KL 4.C.8.b.8)
- Honour of the Lion’s Arrow is “given by the Crown upon an individual’s completion of a term as Kingdom Protector,” (KL 4.C.8.b.9) also known as the Kingdom Archery Champion.
- Honor of the Lion’s Heart is “given by the Crown upon an individual’s completion of a term as Kingdom Arts & Sciences Champion.” (KL 4.C.8.b.10)
- Honor of the Troubadour of the Lion is “given by the Crown upon an individual’s completion of a term as Kingdom Bardic Champion.” (KL 4.C.8.b.11)
- Ordre du Cheval et du Lion is “given by the Crown upon an individual’s completion of a term as Kingdom Equestrian Champion.” (KL 4.C.8.b.12)
- Order of Scholar of An Tir is “given by the Crown to all individuals who score an 80% or higher on any entry in the Kingdom Arts & Sciences and Bardic competition.” (KL 4.C.8.b.33) Duchess Eleanor de Bolton notes that this portion of Kingdom Law is mistaken, and the metric for this honor is 80 or more points, rather than percent.
- Order of the Sable Bonnet is “given by the Crown to the individual with the single highest score on an entry in the Kingdom Arts & Sciences and Bardic competition.” (KL 4.C.8.b.34)
- Ludicrous Bowman “is the highest attainable rank in target archery, having the name because it had been thought to be unreachable until it was proven otherwise. This is a rank that is recognized in all kingdoms and is the only rank which gets recognized in Royal court (due to the rarity of it being achieved).” (OP) Technically not an award, Ludicrous Bowman is instead an earned rank in target archery achieved by attaining an average annual Royal Round score of 120+.
- Order of Courage of An Tir is “Given by the Crown as a token of appreciation to those who have served in the military or as first responders and through their deeds reflect the spirit of An Tir.” (KL 4.C.8.b.43). The Kingdom Handbook lists this award as inactive as of 2016 (KH 182)
An Tir has fifteen awards for service to the kingdom, and another fifteen for service directly to the Crown. This section will cover the former collection, service to the kingdom.
Order of the Pelican: Membership in this Peerage Order “may be offered to individuals who meet the general criteria for the peerage and who have provided great and long-sustained service to the Kingdom at least equal to the level commonly found among existing members of the order.” (KL 4.C.4.h) The titles and forms of address for members of this Order are Master and Mistress (or the equivalent in their preferred language) . The badge and regalia for Companions of the Pelican are a pelican in her piety and a red cap of maintenance with ermine trim, seen here.
Order of the Goutte de Sang: A grant-level Order that “may be offered to those especially deserving of honor for substantial service to the Kingdom.” (KL 4.C.5.d.1).
- Grant of Arms: “The next level of rank above an Award of Arms. It is awarded by the Crown generally to those individuals who greatly contribute to our Society over a period of several years.” (OP) Those who bear a grant of arms have the right to use the title of Lord, Lady, Armiger, or Noble (or the equivalent in their preferred language) . Though the titles for a Grant of Arms and Award of Arms (below) are the same (see CO VIII.D.4), tradition in An Tir is to differentiate the two ranks by prepending “Honorable” to the title e.g., “The Honorable Lady Elizabeth,” and append “-ship” to the form of address e.g.; “Your Ladyship.” Both of these practices are post-period and are best avoided.
Court Barony: A special recognition that “may be offered by the Crown for outstanding efforts to the Kingdom.” (OP) Recipients of this award are given the title Baron or Baroness (or the equivalent in their preferred language) and are addressed as “Your Excellency.” Court Barons and Baronesses may wear a coronet ornamented as they see fit, provided they do not use the strawberry leaves or embattled edges of the ranks above. Pictured is a coronet of six pearls, which is a common design for Baronial coronets.
Order of the Sanguine Thorn: An armigerous Order that “may be offered by the Crown to those in recognition of their efforts in service.” (KL 4.C.6.c)
- Award of Arms: “The first level of armigerous rank awarded by the Crown generally to those who have become recognized integrated participants in the Society. The Crown of An Tir has granted Principality Coronets the privilege of bestowing AoAs to subjects of Their Principalities in the name of the Crown. Those who have achieved an Award of Arms are given the title of Lord, Lady, Noble; (Name), Armiger; (Given name), Armiger, or (Name) nobilis” (OP) or the equivalent in their preferred language.
Augmentation of Arms: “Considered the highest honor a person can be given for sustained service to Crown and Kingdom.” (KL 4.C.8.b.2) An Augmentation of Arms allows the recipient to add enhancements directly to their arms. An Tir has designated the ensign (pictured here) as a standard augmentation, but the recipient is not obliged to use it.
Order of the Leo Minor: “Given by the Crown to the teens of An Tir for continued service to the Kingdom.”(KL 4.C.8.b.28)
- Honor of the Lion’s Cub: “Given by the Crown to children who have shown noble merit.” (KL 4.C.8.b.14)
Order of la Mano d’Oro: “May be given by the Crown after consultation with the Minister of Arts and Sciences for significant time and service to the furtherance of the arts and sciences in the Kingdom.” (KL 4.C.8.b.17)
Ordre de la Main de Saint Nicholas: ” awarded by the Crown to those who have gone above and beyond the obligations of fealty and rank to contribute to the word fame of the Kingdom through donations of time, goods, and service in the creation of largesse, clothing for the Crown, and Kingdom regalia. Is customarily given no more than twice per reign.” (KL 4.C.8.b.30)
- Award of the Bountiful Hand: ” bestowed by the Crown to the many individuals and groups who contribute to the word fame of the Kingdom through donations of time, treasure, and service in the creation of largesse, clothing for the Crown, Kingdom scrolls, Kingdom regalia, and anything else created on behalf of the Crown or Kingdom.” (KL 4.C.8.b.31)
- Award of the Sable Scrivener: “Given by the Crown for excellent service to An Tir by a member of the scribal community.” (KL 4.C.8.b.19) The Kingdom Handbook expands on the intent of this award: “This award recognizes the countless hours that are devoted in the creation of the beautiful original scrolls which the Sable Lion and Lioness to award to members of Their populace.” (KH 160)
Ordo Vitae: “Given by the Crown to those innovating in times of need for the benefit of An Tir.” (KL 4.C.8.b.37) Formerly called the Alimentum Vitae.
The Award of the Lion’s Strength is “given by the Crown for consistent and significant contributions to the Kingdom for 20 years or more.” (KL 4.C.8.b.27)
Arts and Sciences
An Tir has ten awards bestowed by the Crown for artistic pursuits and scientific endeavors, in addition to the Lion’s Heart, Troubadour of the Lion, Scholar of An Tir, and Sable Bonnet, covered in the first section.
Order of the Laurel: Membership in this Peerage Order “may be offered to individuals who meet the general criteria for the peerage and who have demonstrated great skill in one or more of the arts and sciences at least equal to the level commonly found among existing members of the order.” (KL 4.C.4.i) The titles and forms of address for members of this Order are Master and Mistress. The badge and regalia for Companions of the Laurel is a laurel wreath, seen here.
Order of the Jambe de Lion: A grant-level Order that ” may be offered to those especially deserving of honor for skill in the arts and sciences and willingness to share
their skill with others.” (KL 4.C.5.d.2)Ordre de la Griffe et du Lion: An armigerous Order that “may be offered by the Crown to those in recognition of their efforts to learn and further the Arts.” (KL 4.C.6.d)
Rath of An Tir: “Given by the Crown for period encampments that are pleasing to the Crown.” (KL 4.C.8.b.29) Recorded in the OP as the Righteous Rath, with the note: “wherein membership is awarded by the King to those who have achieved historically accurate and esthetically [sic] pleasing encampments.” (OP). The Kingdom Handbook lists this award as inactive as of 2016 (KH 182). Nonetheless, it was given ten times between 2019 and 2023.
Wordsmith: “Given by the Crown for distinction in forming prose.” (KL 4.C.8.b.42) Elsewhere noted: “Awarded to those who distinguish themselves as crafters of period written or spoken words which add to the authentic atmosphere. This includes wording for charters, scrolls, court wording, prose, poetry, performance pieces, letters, speech, and ceremonies.” (OP)
- Honor of the Carp is “given by the Crown for excellence in period dress, thought, speech, behavior and encampment.” (KL 4.C.8.b.16) Elsewhere noted that “membership is awarded by the Queen for excellence in persona development.” (OP)
- Award of the Sable Chime is “bestowed by the Crown for performance of period bardic arts throughout the Kingdom.” (KL 4.C.8.b.18) Elsewhere noted that it is “bestowed for excellence in musical display. To be given by the Crown for a specific excellent and/or inspirational performance, or continuing performance throughout the Kingdom.” (OP)
- Award of the Lion’s Torse is “given by the Crown for armor worn on the field that is period, functional and aesthetically pleasing.” (KL 4.C.8.b.22) The OP notes that it is given by the Sovereign.
- Award of the Lion’s Mane is “given by the Crown to individuals excelling in the display, wearing and/or creation of exceptional period costume.” (KL 4.C.8.b.35)
- Order of Terpsichores Fox is “given by the Crown to individuals excelling in the performance, teaching, and/or promotion of period dance in the Kingdom.” (KL 4.C.8.b.32)
Honor of the Good Booth is “given in recognition of merchants who make their booths look period.” (OP)
Martial Activity
In addition to the honors and accolades already described in the first section, An Tir has ten awards to recognize the various martial forms practiced in the Society.
- General Combat:
Ordo Hastae Leonis: A grant-level Order that “may be offered for excellence and chivalry in the pursuit and practice of the art of war.” (KL 4.C.5.d.3)
Order of the Sable Gauntlet: A grant-level Order that “may be offered to those especially deserving of honor for their excellence and chivalry in the pursuit and practice of combat.” (KL 4.C.5.d.4)
Ordre de L’Esperon et du Lion: An armigerous Order “may be offered by the Crown to those in recognition of their efforts to learn and further the combat arts. This award was previously called the Fury of Fenrir.” (KL 4.C.6.e)
- Armored Combat:
- The following two Orders are collectively known as the Order of Chivalry. They are separate but equal Peerage Orders which “may be offered to individuals who meet the general criteria for peerage and who have displayed skill at arms at least equal to the level commonly found among existing members of the order.” (KL 4.C.4.j) More specifically, “The candidate must be considered the equal of his or her prospective peers with the basic weapons of tournament combat.” (CO VIII.A.4.a.1)
Order of Knighthood: The titles and forms of address for members of this Order are Sir and Dame. The regalia for Knights are a white belt and an unadorned chain, seen here. Knights must swear fealty to the Crown upon elevation to the Order.
Order of Mastery of Arms: The titles and forms of address for members of this Order are Master and Mistress. The regalia for Masters of Arms is a white baldric, seen here. Unlike Knights, Masters of Arms are not required to swear fealty to the Crown upon elevation to the Order.
- Rapier:
Order of Defense: Membership in this Peerage Order “may be offered to individuals who meet the general criteria for peerage and who have displayed skill at rapier or cut-andthrust combat at least equal to the level commonly found among existing members of the order.” (KL 4.C.4.k) The titles and forms of address for members of this Order are Master and Mistress. The regalia for members of this Order is a white livery collar, and their badge is three rapiers in pall inverted, their tips crossed, seen here.
Order of the White Scarf: A grant-level Order “offered by the Crown on the advice of the members of the order, for demonstrating exceptional skill and chivalry in rapier combat, service to An Tir and its people, knowledge of the courtly graces, and obedience to the laws and ideals of An Tir and the Society.” (OP) The Order was closed upon the creation of the Order of Defense in 2015; since then, recognition of rapier combat at the grant level was achieved through the Order of the Sable Gauntlet.
- Target Arts
Order of the Grey Goose Shaft: A grant-level Order that “may be offered by the Crown after consultation with the members of the order, for demonstrating exceptional skill and chivalry in one or more of the following areas: Target Archery, Combat Archery, Missile Combat, Thrown Weapons, Siege Weapons or Equestrian Archery; plus service to An Tir and its people, knowledge of the courtly graces, and obedience to the laws and ideals of An Tir and the Society.” (KL 4.C.5.c.1)
Order of the Sable Pheon: An armigerous Order that “may be offered by the Crown to those in recognition of their efforts to learn and further the arts or archery, in all its forms, as well as thrown weapons.” (KL 4.C.6.f)
- Equestrian:
Virtues and Other Behavior
The Kingdom of An Tir has seven honors listed in Kingdom Law that recognize exemplary behavior, such as courtesy, bravery, and ferocity in battle.
Honor of the Belated Rose: Sources differ slightly on this award. Kingdom law says that it is “given by the Crown after consultation with the Orders of the Rose and the Valorous Estate for courteous and courtly behavior.” (KL 4.C.8.b.15), while both the Kingdom Handbook and Order of Precedence say that it is “mark of favor given by the Ladies of the Rose and the Ladies of Valorous Estate for courteous behavior.” (KH 152)
Award of Grace of An Tir: Like the Belated Rose above, this award is “granted by the Crown for gracious and chivalric behavior.” (KL 4.C.8.b.36) However, this award is given exclusively at the Crown’s discretion, without the need to consult the Orders of the Rose and Valorous Estate. When the award was created in 2017, Their Royal Majesties Kjartan and Shaya provided the following explanation of the intent of the award: “The Award of the Grace of An Tir was created to recognize gracious and chivalric behavior on an ongoing regular basis. It is non-armigerous and will hopefully be given many times each reign. While the Belated Rose is given for longtime and consistent demonstration of these ideals, The Grace of An Tir is meant to recognize and encourage such behavior after a shorter period of play. It can be given for a one time extraordinary act or regular display of above and beyond courteous and chivalric behavior over the course of a few months or a few years.”
Inspirational Consort/Inspirational Inspiration: “Given by the Crown to recognize inspirations who are exemplary in their support and inspiration.” (KL 4.C.8.b.39). Perhaps more clearly stated elsewhere: “Given to consorts that are particularly supportive and inspirational.” (OP)
- Order of the Iron Chain: Sources differ slightly on this award. Kingdom law says that it is “Given by the Crown for deeds of true courage and bravery in the face of personal and real danger.” (KL 4.C.8.b.13) Elsewhere noted that it is a polling Order: “membership is bestowed by fellow members in recognition of courage in the face of real danger in the context of an SCA event.” (KH 153, OP). The regalia for this Order is an unadorned chain made of iron.
- Muckin’ Taul Maul: Sources differ slightly on this award. Kingdom law says that it is “given by the Crown after consultation with the previous recipient for ferocity on the field during the Crown Lists.”(KL 4.C.8.b.20) The Order of Precedence and the Kingdom Handbook, however, state that it is “given by the previous recipient for conspicuous ferocity in the Crown or Coronet list of An Tir.” (KH 158, OP)
- Order of the Shattered Shield: Sources differ slightly on this award. Kingdom law says that it is “given by the Crown after consultation with the previous recipient for valor and authentic death in the Crown Lists.” (KL 4.C.8.b.21) The Order of Precedence and the Kingdom Handbook, however, state that it is “given by the previous recipient for conspicuous valour in the Crown or Coronet list of An Tir. Prior to 2015 this award was called ‘Olde Shattered Shield’.” (KH 158-9, OP)
- Fury of the Lion: “Given for ferocity and chivalry on the field of battle.” (KL 4.C.8.b.23) Elsewhere noted: “A three-tiered commission given for the duration of the Sovereign’s reign for war fighting as follows and the regalia gained during this commission may be retained and displayed after the Sovereign reign:
- Defender of the Realm – given to individuals on the war field for ferocity in battle.
- Captain of the Realm – give to the leader of a 5-10 man unit that serves the King and Kingdom in times of war during duration of a King’s reign.
- Commander of the Realm – give to the leader of a 10+ man unit that serves the King and Kingdom in times of war during duration of a King’s reign.” (OP)
The Kingdom Handbook lists the Fury of the Lion set of honors as inactive as of 2016 (KH 182). Nonetheless, the Fury of the Lion (without specification of Defender, Captain, or Commander) was given five times between 2017 and 2023, Defender of the Realm was given twenty times between 2019 and 2023, and Captain of the Realm was given twice in 2023.
Royal Prerogative and Service to the Crown specifically
An Tir has at least fifteen awards given by the Crown, either for service directly to the monarchs during Their reign, or as personal favors. The first six are explicitly described in kingdom law:
- Honor of the Lion of An Tir: This rare and singular award is the highest honor that the Crown of An Tir can bestow. It is “given traditionally once per reign by the Crown…to one who, in the eyes and minds of those who bear the Crowns, is an inspiration to Them and embodies those ideals They most cherish of An Tir and the Society.” (KL 4.C.8.b.1) In the Kingdom Handbook, Duchess Hlutwige Wolfkiller, creator of the award in 1992, clarified her intent for the award: “It would specifically address the desire of the two people who bear the Crowns to recognize someone whom they admire, respect, and cherish, because in the opinion of those two people, that person epitomized the Noble Ideals of the Society. Someone who is dear to Them, someone who helped sculpt Them into the leaders They became — someone beloved by Them both.” (KH 154)
Hearth of Hospitality: “Given by the Crown to those who welcome the Crown, their household or others in by giving them a place to stay and taking care of them when they are far from home.” (KL 4.C.8.b.38) The Kingdom Handbook lists this award as inactive as of 2016 (KH 182). Nonetheless, it was given 39 times between 2018 and 2023.
Honor of the Or and Argent is “given out by the Crown to such an individual once per reign who labors quietly serving in the shadows of the Lion Thrones on tasks for the betterment of An Tir.” (KL 4.C.8.b.41).
- The Throne’s Favor is “given by the Crown to a subject or group for a significant contribution to the Kingdom through conspicuous service.” (KL 4.C.8.b.24) The Kingdom Handbook expands on the intent of this award: “The Throne Favour is given out by the Crown to a single person or group who the Crown feel has done great service to the Kingdom or the Crown during Their reign. The recipients are people or groups who have gone above and beyond what members of a retinue would normally do, dedicating their personal time and energy both at and away from events so that the Crown may smoothly reign.” (KH 161)
- The King’s Favor “is a token of personal favor given by the King.” (KL 4.C.8.b.25)
- The Forget-Me-Not “is a token of personal favor given by the Queen.” (KL 4.C.8.b.26)
The remaining honors are noted in kingdom law as “personal awards, referred to as ‘Cyphers,’ that are not registered with the College of Heralds, are not part of a formal order and are non-armigerous.” (KL 4.C.8.b). Many of them are indistinguishable from the King’s Favor and Forget-Me-Not, above, or from one another.
- The King’s Sigil is “given by the king to those who have been of exemplary personal service to him during his reign.” (OP)
- The King’s Cypher is “given by the king, at his last court, to those who were of exceptional service during his reign. It recognizes those who have been the pillars of the Crown, beyond the call of duty.” (OP)
- The King’s Shield is “bestowed by the King upon a squire for chivalry shown.” (OP)
- The Royal Favor is mentioned in Kingdom Law but not defined in the Kingdom Handbook or the Order of Precedence.
- The Royal Scribal Favor is “a personal award given by the Crown.” (OP)
- The Spectre Leonis is “given to recognize the influence and lasting mark left on Crown and Kingdom, and the significant void felt through their unfortunate absence. It is the rejoicing of their return, be it temporary or permanent within Our realm.” (OP)
- The Company of the Golden Butterfly is given “for recognition of their contribution to the ignominious death of their King.” (OP)
- The Royal Cypher is “given to those who have been thoughtful and helpful personally to the Crown.” (OP)
- The Queen’s Favor is “given to those who have distinguished themselves through personal service to the Queen. ” (OP)
- The Queen’s Guard Spear is “an award given by a Queen of An Tir to recognize a member of the Queen’s Guard during Their Reign. It has been given at most twice during a single reign, but usually only one is given per reign.” (OP)